Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Exam was held on 21 st march 2010 Total of 170 marks 120 descriptive and 50 objective Section -I
question 1.What is e commerce and and its importance in indian economy. 20 marks
Question 2.What are the mode sof cargho Transport in india. Its importance in indian economy .what kind of mode of ransport wuould you use in shipment of containers from new delhi to new york? 20 marks
Question 3. how are reailways important in indian economy. what you think if other modes of transport given more importance the credibility of railways as mode of transport would decrease or increse , comment? 20 marks
question 4. explain any 4 of the following:
2.customer satisfaction
3.markleting logistics
4.aggregate planning
5.demand forecasting 20 marks
Question 5.What are the drivers of supply chain management ?
Question 6. what are the various modes of transport of cantainers in india and explain eachs SWOT analysis and explain importance of its in indian ecnomy 20 marks
--Section II--
objective questions 5 x4 -20 Marks Mcq type
1. what is 4 P in marketing
Answer Product ,place ,Price,Promotion
2. what is 3PLAnswer
Third party logistics
3. question based on services marketing-------
4.based on scm?------
5. Based on marketing?------
10x2 -20 Marks Gk qustions
1. owner of horlicksAnswer smithkline beachem
2. fisacl deficit of india Answer 6.9 %
3. % contribution of agri and services sectors in idian GDP
Answer 20: 50
4. Deficiency of viamin A causes
Answer Nightblndness
5. kelkar commiite is for Answer planning commission
6. Concor comes under Answer Ministry of Commerce
7. First 5 year plan started inn year Answer 1951
8. revenue from ailways Answer around 64000 crores
9. -------10------- 10x1 -10 Marks
English (synonyms +antonynms+one paragraph)
Hope u would liked it and for more queries and question sample papers log on to

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